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311 - 320 of 2951 for Rate of change/slope/lineSearch Results
A curve in two dimensions on which the value of a function f(x,y) is a constant. Other synonymous terms are isarithm, isopleth, and contour line. A plot of several ...
The circles on the polygon diagonals of a complete quadrilateral as diameters are coaxal. Furthermore, the orthocenters of the four triangles of a complete quadrilateral are ...
The real axis is the line in the complex plane corresponding to zero imaginary part, I[z]=0. Every real number corresponds to a unique point on the real axis.
A Woo circle is an Archimedean circle with center on the Schoch line and tangent to certain other circles. An applet for investigating Woo circles and Schoch lines has been ...
For an undirected graph, an unordered pair of nodes that specify a line joining these two nodes are said to form an edge. For a directed graph, the edge is an ordered pair of ...
Given an original triangle (thick line), find the medial triangle (outer thin line) and its incircle. Take the pedal triangle (inner thin line) of the medial triangle with ...
A skew conic, also known as a gauche conic, space conic, twisted conic, or cubical conic section, is a third-order space curve having up to three points in common with a ...
A geometric implement discovered in a 19th century book, and whose inventor is unknown. It essentially consists of a semicircle, a segment SR which prolongs its diameter and ...
A necessary and sufficient condition for a sequence S_i to converge. The Cauchy criterion is satisfied when, for all epsilon>0, there is a fixed number N such that ...
A word or string which is not admissible.
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