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A (v,g)-cage graph is a v-regular graph of girth g having the minimum possible number of nodes. When v is not explicitly stated, the term "g-cage" generally refers to a ...
The Catalan numbers on nonnegative integers n are a set of numbers that arise in tree enumeration problems of the type, "In how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into ...
Let G be a group, and let S subset= G be a set of group elements such that the identity element I not in S. The Cayley graph associated with (G,S) is then defined as the ...
A circle packing is an arrangement of circles inside a given boundary such that no two overlap and some (or all) of them are mutually tangent. The generalization to spheres ...
A problem posed by L. Collatz in 1937, also called the 3x+1 mapping, 3n+1 problem, Hasse's algorithm, Kakutani's problem, Syracuse algorithm, Syracuse problem, Thwaites ...
Start with an integer n, known as the digitaddition generator. Add the sum of the digitaddition generator's digits to obtain the digitaddition n^'. A number can have more ...
As a consequence of Matiyasevich's refutation of Hilbert's 10th problem, it can be proved that there does not exist a general algorithm for solving a general quartic ...
A connected graph G is distance-regular if for any vertices x and y of G and any integers i,j=0, 1, ...d (where d is the graph diameter), the number of vertices at distance i ...
A graph G is distance transitive if its automorphism group is transitive on pairs of vertices at each pairwise distance in the graph. Distance-transitivity is a ...
The divisor function sigma_k(n) for n an integer is defined as the sum of the kth powers of the (positive integer) divisors of n, sigma_k(n)=sum_(d|n)d^k. (1) It is ...
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