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Call a number of the form n^2-k a "near-square number." Numbers of the form n^2-5 for n=1, 2, ... are -4, -1, 4, 11, 20, 31, 44, 59, 76, 95, ... (OEIS A028875). These are ...
The Newton-Cotes formulas are an extremely useful and straightforward family of numerical integration techniques. To integrate a function f(x) over some interval [a,b], ...
A normal distribution in a variate X with mean mu and variance sigma^2 is a statistic distribution with probability density function ...
A number is said to be simply normal to base b if its base-b expansion has each digit appearing with average frequency tending to b^(-1). A normal number is an irrational ...
The odd graph O_n of order n is a graph having vertices given by the (n-1)-subsets of {1,...,2n-1} such that two vertices are connected by an edge iff the associated subsets ...
The Paley graph of order q with q a prime power is a graph on q nodes with two nodes adjacent if their difference is a square in the finite field GF(q). This graph is ...
The fraction of odd values of the partition function P(n) is roughly 50%, independent of n, whereas odd values of Q(n) occur with ever decreasing frequency as n becomes ...
Pascal's triangle is a number triangle with numbers arranged in staggered rows such that a_(nr)=(n!)/(r!(n-r)!)=(n; r), (1) where (n; r) is a binomial coefficient. The ...
Perfect numbers are positive integers n such that n=s(n), (1) where s(n) is the restricted divisor function (i.e., the sum of proper divisors of n), or equivalently ...
A square which can be dissected into a number of smaller squares with no two equal is called a perfect square dissection (or a squared square). Square dissections in which ...
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