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The numerical value of Khinchin's constant K is given by K=2.685452001... (OEIS A002210). However, the numerical value of K is notoriously difficult to calculate to high ...
The m×n king graph is a graph with mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a king. The number ...
A labeled graph G=(V,E) is a finite series of graph vertices V with a set of graph edges E of 2-subsets of V. Given a graph vertex set V_n={1,2,...,n}, the number of ...
A Laman graph is a graph satisfying Laman's theorem. In other words, it is a graph G have exactly 2n-3 graph edges, where n is the number of graph vertices in G and for which ...
Landau's function g(n) is the maximum order of an element in the symmetric group S_n. The value g(n) is given by the largest least common multiple of all partitions of the ...
Landau's problems are the four "unattackable" problems mentioned by Landau in the 1912 Fifth Congress of Mathematicians in Cambridge, namely: 1. The Goldbach conjecture, 2. ...
Let z=re^(itheta)=x+iy be a complex number, then inequality |(zexp(sqrt(1-z^2)))/(1+sqrt(1-z^2))|<=1 (1) holds in the lens-shaped region illustrated above. Written explicitly ...
A k×n Latin rectangle is a k×n matrix with elements a_(ij) in {1,2,...,n} such that entries in each row and column are distinct. If k=n, the special case of a Latin square ...
Find the plane lamina of least area A which is capable of covering any plane figure of unit generalized diameter. A unit circle is too small, but a hexagon circumscribed on ...
A 24-dimensional Euclidean lattice. An automorphism of the Leech lattice modulo a center of two leads to the Conway group Co_1. Stabilization of the one- and two-dimensional ...
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