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Gaussian primes are Gaussian integers z=a+bi satisfying one of the following properties. 1. If both a and b are nonzero then, a+bi is a Gaussian prime iff a^2+b^2 is an ...
The reciprocal of the arithmetic-geometric mean of 1 and sqrt(2), G = 2/piint_0^11/(sqrt(1-x^4))dx (1) = 2/piint_0^(pi/2)(dtheta)/(sqrt(1+sin^2theta)) (2) = L/pi (3) = ...
n Sloane's 2^n 3^n 4^n 5^n 6^n 7^n 8^n 9^n 1 A000027 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 A002993 4 9 1 2 3 4 6 8 3 A002994 8 2 6 1 2 3 5 7 4 A097408 1 8 2 6 1 2 4 6 5 A097409 3 2 1 3 7 1 3 5 6 ...
There are two different definitions of generalized Fermat numbers, one of which is more general than the other. Ribenboim (1996, pp. 89 and 359-360) defines a generalized ...
The centroid is center of mass of a two-dimensional planar lamina or a three-dimensional solid. The mass of a lamina with surface density function sigma(x,y) is ...
The geometric distribution is a discrete distribution for n=0, 1, 2, ... having probability density function P(n) = p(1-p)^n (1) = pq^n, (2) where 0<p<1, q=1-p, and ...
The Glaisher-Kinkelin constant A is defined by lim_(n->infty)(H(n))/(n^(n^2/2+n/2+1/12)e^(-n^2/4))=A (1) (Glaisher 1878, 1894, Voros 1987), where H(n) is the hyperfactorial, ...
The decimal expansion of the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant is given by A=1.28242712... (OEIS A074962). A was computed to 5×10^5 decimal digits by E. Weisstein (Dec. 3, 2015). ...
The gnomon was an L-shaped movable sundial used for astronomical studies. It operated by resting on one leg so that the other pointed vertically upward. By measuring the ...
Go is played on a 19×19 grid, with pieces being placed at the intersections of grid lines, rather than in the middle of them. Go boards have a number of peculiarities, ...
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