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A generalization of simple majority voting in which a list of quotas {q_0,...,q_n} specifies, according to the number of votes, how many votes an alternative needs to win ...
The radical circle of three given circles is the circle having center at the radical center of the three circles and is orthogonal to all of them. (A circle with center at ...
The nth Ramanujan prime is the smallest number R_n such that pi(x)-pi(x/2)>=n for all x>=R_n, where pi(x) is the prime counting function. In other words, there are at least n ...
Given the generating functions defined by (1+53x+9x^2)/(1-82x-82x^2+x^3) = sum_(n=1)^(infty)a_nx^n (1) (2-26x-12x^2)/(1-82x-82x^2+x^3) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)b_nx^n (2) ...
If f:D->Y is a map (a.k.a. function, transformation, etc.) over a domain D, then the range of f, also called the image of D under f, is defined as the set of all values that ...
Pick two real numbers x and y at random in (0,1) with a uniform distribution. What is the probability P_(even) that [x/y], where [r] denotes the nearest integer function, is ...
There are at least two sequences attributed to B. Recamán. One is the sequence a_n formed by taking a_1=1 and letting a_n={a_(n-1)-n if a_(n-1)-n>0 and is new; a_(n-1)+n ...
Closed forms are known for the sums of reciprocals of even-indexed Lucas numbers P_L^((e)) = sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/(L_(2n)) (1) = sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/(phi^(2n)+phi^(-2n)) (2) = ...
A Redheffer matrix is a square (0,1)-matrix with elements a_(ij) equal to 1 if j=1 or i|j (i divides j), and 0 otherwise. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few Redheffer matrices ...
A number n is said to be refactorable, sometimes also called a tau number (Kennedy and Cooper 1990), if it is divisible by the number of its divisors sigma_0(n), where ...
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