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Shephard's conjecture states that every convex polyhedron admits a self-unoverlapping unfolding (Shephard 1975). This question is still unsettled (Malkevitch), though most ...
Simple harmonic motion refers to the periodic sinusoidal oscillation of an object or quantity. Simple harmonic motion is executed by any quantity obeying the differential ...
de Rham cohomology is a formal set-up for the analytic problem: If you have a differential k-form omega on a manifold M, is it the exterior derivative of another differential ...
Graphs corresponding to closed walks of length k are known as k-cyclic graphs, or C_k-graphs for short. C_k-graphs are connected by definition. The numbers of C_k-graphs for ...
Logic is the formal mathematical study of the methods, structure, and validity of mathematical deduction and proof. According to Wolfram (2002, p. 860), logic is the most ...
A graph in which each graph edge is replaced by a directed graph edge, also called a digraph. A directed graph having no multiple edges or loops (corresponding to a binary ...
A 2-dimensional discrete percolation model is said to be mixed if both graph vertices and graph edges may be "blocked" from allowing fluid flow (i.e., closed in the sense of ...
The concept of a space is an extremely general and important mathematical construct. Members of the space obey certain addition properties. Spaces which have been ...
A traceable graph is a graph that possesses a Hamiltonian path. Hamiltonian graphs are therefore traceable, but the converse is not necessarily true. Graphs that are not ...
A fast boat is overtaking a slower one when fog suddenly sets in. At this point, the boat being pursued changes course, but not speed, and proceeds straight in a new ...
