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1931 - 1940 of 2414 for Pythagorean TheoremSearch Results
A Proth number is a number of the form N=k·2^n+1 for odd k, n a positive integer, and 2^n>k. The 2^n>k condition is needed since otherwise, every odd number >1 would be a ...
The quintuple product identity, also called the Watson quintuple product identity, states (1) It can also be written (2) or (3) The quintuple product identity can be written ...
A RAT-free ("right angle triangle-free") set is a set of points, no three of which determine a right triangle. Let f(n) be the largest integer such that a RAT-free subset of ...
Let the two-dimensional cylinder function be defined by f(x,y)={1 for r<R; 0 for r>R. (1) Then the Radon transform is given by ...
Somos defines a rational triangle as a triangle such that all three sides measured relative to each other are rational. Koblitz (1993) defined a congruent number as an ...
A real normed algebra, also called a composition algebra, is a multiplication * on R^n that respects the length of vectors, i.e., |x*y|=|x|*|y| for x,y in R^n. The only real ...
A number n is said to be refactorable, sometimes also called a tau number (Kennedy and Cooper 1990), if it is divisible by the number of its divisors sigma_0(n), where ...
A prime which does not divide the class number h(p) of the cyclotomic field obtained by adjoining a primitive pth root of unity to the field of rationals. A prime p is ...
The regularized beta function is defined by I(z;a,b)=(B(z;a,b))/(B(a,b)), where B(z;a,b) is the incomplete beta function and B(a,b) is the (complete) beta function. The ...
The regularized gamma functions are defined by P(a,z) = (gamma(a,z))/(Gamma(a)) (1) Q(a,z) = (Gamma(a,z))/(Gamma(a)), (2) where gamma(a,z) and Gamma(a,z) are incomplete gamma ...
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