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931 - 940 of 13135 for Pronic NumberSearch Results

Minesweeper is single-player logic-based computer game played on rectangular board whose object is to locate a predetermined number of randomly-placed "mines" in the shortest ...
Scientific notation is the expression of a number n in the form a×10^p, where p=|_log_(10)|n|_| (1) is the floor of the base-10 logarithm of n (the "order of magnitude"), and ...
Dissect a triangle into smaller triangles, such that all have full edge contact with their neighbors. Label the corners 1, 2, and 3. Label all vertices with 1, 2, or 3, with ...
The average number of regions N(n) into which n lines divide a square is N^_(n)=1/(16)n(n-1)pi+n+1 (Santaló 1976; Finch 2003, p. 481). The maximum number of sequences is ...
A cubic map is three-colorable iff each interior region is bounded by an even number of regions. A non-cubic map bounded by an even number of regions is not necessarily ...
A k-subset is a subset of a set on n elements containing exactly k elements. The number of k-subsets on n elements is therefore given by the binomial coefficient (n; k). For ...
König's line coloring theorem states that the edge chromatic number of any bipartite graph equals its maximum vertex degree. In other words, every bipartite graph is a class ...
The unknotting number for a torus knot (p,q) is (p-1)(q-1)/2. This 40-year-old conjecture was proved (Adams 1994) by Kronheimer and Mrowka (1993, 1995).
A problem is assigned to the P (polynomial time) class if there exists at least one algorithm to solve that problem, such that the number of steps of the algorithm is bounded ...
The party problem, also known as the maximum clique problem, asks to find the minimum number of guests that must be invited so that at least m will know each other or at ...
