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A graph is a forbidden (vertex-)induced subgraph if its presence as a vertex-induced subgraph of a given graph means it is not a member of some family of graphs. For example, ...
A graph is a forbidden subgraph if its presence as a subgraph of a given graph means it is not a member of some family of graphs. For example, a bipartite graph is a graph ...
A graph is a forbidden topological minor (also known as a forbidden homeomorphic subgraph) if its presence as a homeomorphic subgraph of a given graph (i.e., there is an ...
A technique in set theory invented by P. Cohen (1963, 1964, 1966) and used to prove that the axiom of choice and continuum hypothesis are independent of one another in ...
A forgetful functor (also called underlying functor) is defined from a category of algebraic gadgets (groups, Abelian groups, modules, rings, vector spaces, etc.) to the ...
A differential k-form can be integrated on an n-dimensional manifold. The basic example is an n-form alpha in the open unit ball in R^n. Since alpha is a top-dimensional ...
A formal power series, sometimes simply called a "formal series" (Wilf 1994), of a field F is an infinite sequence {a_0,a_1,a_2,...} over F. Equivalently, it is a function ...
In mathematics, a formula is a fact, rule, or principle that is expressed in terms of mathematical symbols. Examples of formulas include equations, equalities, identities, ...
The forward difference is a finite difference defined by Deltaa_n=a_(n+1)-a_n. (1) Higher order differences are obtained by repeated operations of the forward difference ...
Let (Omega)_(ij) be the resistance distance matrix of a connected graph G on n nodes. Then Foster's theorems state that sum_((i,j) in E(G)))Omega_(ij)=n-1, where E(g) is the ...
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