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(1) for p in [0,1], where delta is the central difference and E_(2n) = G_(2n)-G_(2n+1) (2) = B_(2n)-B_(2n+1) (3) F_(2n) = G_(2n+1) (4) = B_(2n)+B_(2n+1), (5) where G_k are ...
A curve on the unit sphere S^2 is an eversion if it has no corners or cusps (but it may be self-intersecting). These properties are guaranteed by requiring that the curve's ...
A differential of the form df=P(x,y)dx+Q(x,y)dy (1) is exact (also called a total differential) if intdf is path-independent. This will be true if ...
A functor between categories of groups or modules is called exact if it preserves the exactness of sequences, or equivalently, if it transforms short exact sequences into ...
An exact sequence is a sequence of maps alpha_i:A_i->A_(i+1) (1) between a sequence of spaces A_i, which satisfies Im(alpha_i)=Ker(alpha_(i+1)), (2) where Im denotes the ...
The center J_i of an excircle. There are three excenters for a given triangle, denoted J_1, J_2, J_3. The incenter I and excenters J_i of a triangle are an orthocentric ...
A shuffle of a deck of cards obtained by successively exchanging the cards in position 1, 2, ..., n with cards in randomly chosen positions. For 4<=n<=17, the most frequent ...
Define A^' to be the point (other than the polygon vertex A) where the triangle median through A meets the circumcircle of ABC, and define B^' and C^' similarly. Then the ...
A theorem stating the existence of an object, such as the solution to a problem or equation. Strictly speaking, it need not tell how many such objects there are, nor give ...
In predicate calculus, an existential formula is a prenex normal form formula (i.e., a formula written as a string of quantifiers and bound variables followed by a ...
