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If a contour in the complex plane is curved such that it separates the increasing and decreasing sequences of poles, then ...
The attractor of the iterated function system given by the set of "fern functions" f_1(x,y) = [0.85 0.04; -0.04 0.85][x; y]+[0.00; 1.60] (1) f_2(x,y) = [-0.15 0.28; 0.26 ...
A Julia set fractal obtained by iterating the function z_(n+1)=c(z_n-sgn(R[z_n])), where sgn(x) is the sign function and R[z] is the real part of z. The plot above sets ...
A polynomial sequence p_n(x) is called the basic polynomial sequence for a delta operator Q if 1. p_0(x)=1, 2. p_n(0)=0 for all n>0, 3. Qp_n(x)=np_(n-1)(x). If p_n(x) is a ...
k_nu(x)=(e^(-x))/(Gamma(1+1/2nu))U(-1/2nu,0,2x) for x>0, where U is a confluent hypergeometric function of the second kind.
The batman curve is a piecewise curve in the shape of the logo of the Batman superhero originally posted on on Jul. 28, 2011. It can written as two functions, one ...
If C_1, C_2, ...C_r are sets of positive integers and union _(i=1)^rC_i=Z^+, then some C_i contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. The conjecture was proved by van ...
Let A and B_j be sets. Conditional probability requires that P(A intersection B_j)=P(A)P(B_j|A), (1) where intersection denotes intersection ("and"), and also that P(A ...
The bead-sorting algorithm orders a list of a positive integers increasingly by representing numbers as a list of a 1s, where each 1 stands for a bead. The k initial integers ...
The Behrmann cylindrical equal-area projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection with a standard parallel of phi_s=30 degrees.
