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The operator e^(nut^2/2) which satisfies e^(nut^2/2)p(x)=1/(sqrt(2pinu))int_(-infty)^inftye^(-u^2/(2nu))p(x+u)du for nu>0.
A pole of multiplicity less than p+1.
If 0<=a,b,c,d<=1, then (1-a)(1-b)(1-c)(1-d)+a+b+c+d>=1. This is a special case of the general inequality product_(i=1)^n(1-a_i)+sum_(i=1)^na_i>=1 for 0<=a_1,a_2,...,a_n<=1. ...
A function, continuous in a finite closed interval, can be approximated with a preassigned accuracy by polynomials. A function of a real variable which is continuous and has ...
A weighted graph is a graph in which each branch is given a numerical weight. A weighted graph is therefore a special type of labeled graph in which the labels are numbers ...
Let H=l^2, (alpha_n) be a bounded sequence of complex numbers, and (xi_n) be the (usual) standard orthonormal basis of H, that is, (xi_n)(m)=delta_(nm), n,m in N, where ...
A set of three conjectures proposed by Weil in 1942 for extending Riemann hypothesis-like statements to classes of mathematical structures. The conjectures were proved by ...
A triangle with side lengths a, b, and c and triangle area Delta satisfies a^2+b^2+c^2>=4sqrt(3)Delta. Equality holds iff the triangle is equilateral.
The Werner formulas are the trigonometric product formulas 2sinalphacosbeta = sin(alpha-beta)+sin(alpha+beta) (1) 2cosalphacosbeta = cos(alpha-beta)+cos(alpha+beta) (2) ...
A nonconformal, equal-area projection which is a special case of the Bonne projection where one of the poles is taken as the standard parallel. Because of its heart shape, ...
