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An Artin L-function over the rationals Q encodes in a generating function information about how an irreducible monic polynomial over Z factors when reduced modulo each prime. ...
If n>1, (a,n)=1 (i.e., a and n are relatively prime), and m is the least integer >sqrt(n), then there exist an x and y such that ay=+/-x (mod n) where 0<x<m and 0<y<m (Nagell ...
The Mertens constant B_1, also known as the Hadamard-de la Vallee-Poussin constant, prime reciprocal constant (Bach and Shallit 1996, p. 234), or Kronecker's constant ...
Any system of phi(n) integers, where phi(n) is the totient function, representing all the residue classes relatively prime to n is called a reduced residue system (Nagell ...
Let D be a planar Abelian difference set and t be any divisor of n. Then t is a numerical multiplier of D, where a multiplier is defined as an automorphism alpha of a group G ...
An element a of a ring which is nonzero, not a unit, and whose only divisors are the trivial ones (i.e., the units and the products ua, where u is a unit). Equivalently, an ...
Taniguchi's constant is defined as C_(Taniguchi) = product_(p)[1-3/(p^3)+2/(p^4)+1/(p^5)-1/(p^6)] (1) = 0.6782344... (2) (OEIS A175639), where the product is over the primes ...
The Jacobi symbol, written (n/m) or (n/m) is defined for positive odd m as (n/m)=(n/(p_1))^(a_1)(n/(p_2))^(a_2)...(n/(p_k))^(a_k), (1) where m=p_1^(a_1)p_2^(a_2)...p_k^(a_k) ...
Let a and b be nonzero integers such that a^mb^n!=1 (except when m=n=0). Also let T(a,b) be the set of primes p for which p|(a^k-b) for some nonnegative integer k. Then ...
A function f(m) is called multiplicative if (m,m^')=1 (i.e., the statement that m and m^' are relatively prime) implies f(mm^')=f(m)f(m^') (Wilf 1994, p. 58). Examples of ...
