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B(x,y)=[x y; +/-ty +/-x]. (1) It satisfies B(x_1,y_1)B(x_2,y_2)=B(x_1x_2+/-ty_1y_2,x_1y_2+/-y_1x_2). (2) Powers of the matrix are defined by B^n = [x y; ty x]^n (3) = [x_n ...
In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD having perpendicular diagonals AC_|_BD, the perpendiculars to the sides through point T of intersection of the diagonals (the anticenter) ...
Let A_1, B_2, C_1, A_2, and B_1 be five points determining a conic. Then the conic is the locus of the point C_2=A_1(L·C_1A_2)·B_1(L·C_1B_2), where L is a line through the ...
An algebraic variety over a field K that becomes isomorphic to a projective space.
If, in the Gershgorin circle theorem for a given m, |a_(jj)-a_(mm)|>Lambda_j+Lambda_m for all j!=m, then exactly one eigenvalue of A lies in the disk Gamma_m.
A search algorithm of a graph which explores all nodes adjacent to the current node before moving on. For cyclic graphs, care must be taken to make sure that no nodes are ...
On a computer screen, the pixels indicating a slanted line are selected with Bresenham's algorithm, developed in 1962 while at IBM.
One name for the figure used by Euclid to prove the Pythagorean theorem. It is sometimes also known as the "windmill."
For a curve with first fundamental form ds^2=Edu^2+2Fdudv+Gdv^2, (1) the Gaussian curvature is K=(M_1-M_2)/((EG-F^2)^2), (2) where M_1 = |-1/2E_(vv)+F_(uv)-1/2G_(uu) 1/2E_u ...
Brocard geometry is that part of triangle geometry concerned with the Brocard points, Brocard triangles, etc.
