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Given a sequence of real numbers a_n, the infimum limit (also called the limit inferior or lower limit), written lim inf and pronounced 'lim-inf,' is the limit of ...
Let Q(x)=Q(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) be an integer-valued n-ary quadratic form, i.e., a polynomial with integer coefficients which satisfies Q(x)>0 for real x!=0. Then Q(x) can be ...
In univariate interpolation, an interpolant is a function L=L(x) which agrees with a particular function f at a set of known points x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n and which is used to ...
The inverse function of the Gudermannian y=gd^(-1)phi gives the vertical position y in the Mercator projection in terms of the latitude phi and may be defined for 0<=x<pi/2 ...
The invertible matrix theorem is a theorem in linear algebra which gives a series of equivalent conditions for an n×n square matrix A to have an inverse. In particular, A is ...
The line L^' through a triangle polygon vertex obtained by reflecting an initial line L (also through a polygon vertex) about the angle bisector. If three lines from the ...
Jacobi-Gauss quadrature, also called Jacobi quadrature or Mehler quadrature, is a Gaussian quadrature over the interval [-1,1] with weighting function ...
A complicated polynomial root-finding algorithm which is used in the IMSL® (IMSL, Houston, TX) library and which Press et al. (1992) describe as "practically a standard in ...
Since each triplet of Yff circles are congruent and pass through a single point, they obey Johnson's theorem. As a result, in each case, there is a fourth circle congruent to ...
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. If K=L and h is a join-homomorphism, then we call h a join-endomorphism.
