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The hyperbolic secant is defined as sechz = 1/(coshz) (1) = 2/(e^z+e^(-z)), (2) where coshz is the hyperbolic cosine. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Sech[z]. On ...
A mathematical statement that one quantity is greater than or less than another. "a is less than b" is denoted a<b, and "a is greater than b" is denoted a>b. "a is less than ...
The inverse tangent integral Ti_2(x) is defined in terms of the dilogarithm Li_2(x) by Li_2(ix)=1/4Li_2(-x^2)+iTi_2(x) (1) (Lewin 1958, p. 33). It has the series ...
Li's criterion states that the Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to the statement that, for lambda_n=1/((n-1)!)(d^n)/(ds^n)[s^(n-1)lnxi(s)]|_(s=1), (1) where xi(s) is the ...
Consider the sequence of partial sums defined by s_n=sum_(k=1)^n(-1)^kk^(1/k). (1) As can be seen in the plot above, the sequence has two limit points at -0.812140... and ...
A Maclaurin series is a Taylor series expansion of a function about 0, (1) Maclaurin series are named after the Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin. The Maclaurin series ...
Modular arithmetic is the arithmetic of congruences, sometimes known informally as "clock arithmetic." In modular arithmetic, numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a given ...
What is the sofa of greatest area S which can be moved around a right-angled hallway of unit width? Hammersley (Croft et al. 1994) showed that S>=pi/2+2/pi=2.2074... (1) ...
N. Nielsen (1909) and Ramanujan (Berndt 1985) considered the integrals a_k=int_1^2((lnx)^k)/(x-1)dx. (1) They found the values for k=1 and 2. The general constants for k>3 ...
The norm of a mathematical object is a quantity that in some (possibly abstract) sense describes the length, size, or extent of the object. Norms exist for complex numbers ...
