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The van Aubel line is the line in the plane of a reference triangle that connects the orthocenter H and symmedian point K, and symmedian point of the orthic triangle. The ...
Given an arbitrary planar quadrilateral, place a square outwardly on each side, and connect the centers of opposite squares. Then van Aubel's theorem states that the two ...
von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory (abbreviated "NBG") is a version of set theory which was designed to give the same results as Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, but in a more ...
An xyz embedding, also called an "xyz drawing," is a three-dimensional embedding such that every axis-parallel line contains either zero or two vertices. Such an embedding is ...
The detour index omega(G) of a graph G is a graph invariant defined as half the sum of all off-diagonal matrix elements of the detour matrix of G. Unless otherwise stated, ...
The Feigenbaum constant delta is a universal constant for functions approaching chaos via period doubling. It was discovered by Feigenbaum in 1975 (Feigenbaum 1979) while ...
A graph G is hypohamiltonian if G is nonhamiltonian, but G-v is Hamiltonian for every v in V (Bondy and Murty 1976, p. 61). The Petersen graph, which has ten nodes, is the ...
The partial differential equation u_t+u_(xxx)-6uu_x=0 (1) (Lamb 1980; Zwillinger 1997, p. 175), often abbreviated "KdV." This is a nondimensionalized version of the equation ...
The Lambert W-function, also called the omega function, is the inverse function of f(W)=We^W. (1) The plot above shows the function along the real axis. The principal value ...
A mathematical procedure for finding the best-fitting curve to a given set of points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the offsets ("the residuals") of the points from ...