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691 - 700 of 1392 for Prime GapsSearch Results
Q(n), also denoted q(n) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 825), gives the number of ways of writing the integer n as a sum of positive integers without regard to order with the ...
The number of ways a set of n elements can be partitioned into nonempty subsets is called a Bell number and is denoted B_n (not to be confused with the Bernoulli number, ...
Consecutive number sequences are sequences constructed by concatenating numbers of a given type. Many of these sequences were considered by Smarandache and so are sometimes ...
The integer sequence defined by the recurrence P(n)=P(n-2)+P(n-3) (1) with the initial conditions P(0)=3, P(1)=0, P(2)=2. This recurrence relation is the same as that for the ...
A modified Miller's primality test which gives a guarantee of primality or compositeness. The algorithm's running time for a number n has been proved to be as ...
The Copeland-Erdős constant is the constant with decimal expansion 0.23571113171923... (OEIS A033308) obtained by concatenating consecutive primes: 2, 23, 235, 2357, 235711, ...
A cyclic number is an (n-1)-digit integer that, when multiplied by 1, 2, 3, ..., n-1, produces the same digits in a different order. Cyclic numbers are generated by the full ...
The divisor function sigma_k(n) for n an integer is defined as the sum of the kth powers of the (positive integer) divisors of n, sigma_k(n)=sum_(d|n)d^k. (1) It is ...
The values of -d for which imaginary quadratic fields Q(sqrt(-d)) are uniquely factorable into factors of the form a+bsqrt(-d). Here, a and b are half-integers, except for ...
Two oriented knots (or links) can be summed by placing them side by side and joining them by straight bars so that orientation is preserved in the sum. The knot sum is also ...
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