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A Gaussian sum is a sum of the form S(p,q)=sum_(r=0)^(q-1)e^(-piir^2p/q), (1) where p and q are relatively prime integers. The symbol phi is sometimes used instead of S. ...
Hoggatt and Denman (1961) showed that any obtuse triangle can be divided into eight acute isosceles triangles. There are 1, 4, 23, 180, 1806, 20198, ... (OEIS A056814) ...
A number n is called wasteful if the number of digits in the prime factorization of n (including powers) uses more digits than the number of digits in n. The first few ...
The Mertens constant B_1, also known as the Hadamard-de la Vallee-Poussin constant, prime reciprocal constant (Bach and Shallit 1996, p. 234), or Kronecker's constant ...
An integer j(n) is called a jumping champion if j(n) is the most frequently occurring difference between consecutive primes <=n (Odlyzko et al. 1999). This term was coined by ...
The decimal period of a repeating decimal is the number of digits that repeat. For example, 1/3=0.3^_ has decimal period one, 1/11=0.09^_ has decimal period two, and ...
Taniguchi's constant is defined as C_(Taniguchi) = product_(p)[1-3/(p^3)+2/(p^4)+1/(p^5)-1/(p^6)] (1) = 0.6782344... (2) (OEIS A175639), where the product is over the primes ...
The number two (2) is the second positive integer and the first prime number. It is even, and is the only even prime (the primes other than 2 are called the odd primes). The ...
A public-key cryptography algorithm which uses prime factorization as the trapdoor one-way function. Define n=pq (1) for p and q primes. Also define a private key d and a ...
A sieving procedure that can be used in conjunction with Dixon's factorization method to factor large numbers n. Pick values of r given by r=|_sqrt(n)_|+k, (1) where k=1, 2, ...
