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An Artin L-function over the rationals Q encodes in a generating function information about how an irreducible monic polynomial over Z factors when reduced modulo each prime. ...
A p-adic number is an extension of the field of rationals such that congruences modulo powers of a fixed prime p are related to proximity in the so called "p-adic metric." ...
Sexy primes are pairs of primes of the form (p, p+6), so-named since "sex" is the Latin word for "six.". The first few sexy prime pairs are (5, 11), (7, 13), (11, 17), (13, ...
For an integer n>=2, let lpf(n) denote the least prime factor of n. A pair of integers (x,y) is called a twin peak if 1. x<y, 2. lpf(x)=lpf(y), 3. For all z, x<z<y implies ...
A primitive root of a prime p is an integer g such that g (mod p) has multiplicative order p-1 (Ribenboim 1996, p. 22). More generally, if GCD(g,n)=1 (g and n are relatively ...
Bertrand's postulate, also called the Bertrand-Chebyshev theorem or Chebyshev's theorem, states that if n>3, there is always at least one prime p between n and 2n-2. ...
The conjecture proposed by Catalan in 1888 and extended by E. Dickson that each aliquot sequence ends in a prime, a perfect number, or a set of sociable numbers. The ...
An algebraically soluble equation of odd prime degree which is irreducible in the natural field possesses either 1. Only a single real root, or 2. All real roots.
A function f(m) is called multiplicative if (m,m^')=1 (i.e., the statement that m and m^' are relatively prime) implies f(mm^')=f(m)f(m^') (Wilf 1994, p. 58). Examples of ...
The set of nilpotent elements in a commutative ring is an ideal, and it is called the nilradical. Another equivalent description is that it is the intersection of the prime ...
