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221 - 230 of 1392 for Prime GapsSearch Results
If a is an element of a field F over the prime field P, then the set of all rational functions of a with coefficients in P is a field derived from P by adjunction of a.
If the first case of Fermat's last theorem is false for the prime exponent p, then 3^(p-1)=1 (mod p^2).
If f_1(x), ..., f_s(x) are irreducible polynomials with integer coefficients such that no integer n>1 divides f_1(x), ..., f_s(x) for all integers x, then there should exist ...
In an integral domain R, the decomposition of a nonzero noninvertible element a as a product of prime (or irreducible) factors a=p_1...p_n, (1) is unique if every other ...
Landau (1911) proved that for any fixed x>1, sum_(0<|I[rho]|<=T)x^rho=-T/(2pi)Lambda(x)+O(lnT) as T->infty, where the sum runs over the nontrivial Riemann zeta function zeros ...
Let p be an irregular prime, and let P=rp+1 be a prime with P<p^2-p. Also let t be an integer such that t^3≢1 (mod P). For an irregular pair (p,2k), form the product ...
The second theorem of Mertens states that the asymptotic form of the harmonic series for the sum of reciprocal primes is given by sum_(p<=x)1/p=lnlnx+B_1+o(1), where p is a ...
Finch (2001, 2003) defines a k-rough (or k-jagged) number to be positive integer all of whose prime factors are greater than or equal to k. Greene and Knuth define "unusual ...
A pair of positive integers (a_1,a_2) such that the equations a_1+a_2x=sigma(a_1)=sigma(a_2)(x+1) (1) have a positive integer solution x, where sigma(n) is the divisor ...
A prime factorization algorithm which can be implemented in a single-step or double-step form. In the single-step version, a prime factor p of a number n can be found if p-1 ...
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