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A parallelotope whose edges are all mutually perpendicular. The orthotope is a generalization of the rectangle and cuboid.
A tensor notation which considers the Riemann tensor R_(lambdamunukappa) as a matrix R_((lambdamu)(nukappa)) with indices lambdamu and nukappa.
The class m, curve order n, number of ordinary double points delta, number of cusps kappa, number of inflection points (inflection points) iota, number of bitangents tau, and ...
Poinsot's spirals are the two polar curves with equations r = acsch(ntheta) (1) r = asech(ntheta). (2)
A quadratic form Q(x) is said to be positive semidefinite if it is never <0. However, unlike a positive definite quadratic form, there may exist a x!=0 such that the form is ...
A number r is an nth root of unity if r^n=1 and a primitive nth root of unity if, in addition, n is the smallest integer of k=1, ..., n for which r^k=1.
Let C^omega(I) be the set of real analytic functions on I. Then C^omega(I) is a subalgebra of C^infty(I). A necessary and sufficient condition for a function f in C^infty(I) ...
An extension A subset B of a group, ring, module, field, etc., such that A!=B.
A proper factor of a positive integer n is a factor of n other than 1 or n (Derbyshire 2004, p. 32). For example, 2 and 3 are positive proper factors of 6, but 1 and 6 are ...
A group action of a topological group G on a topological space X is said to be a proper group action if the mapping G×X->X×X(g,x)|->(gx,x) is a proper map, i.e., inverses of ...
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