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The Newton-Cotes formulas are an extremely useful and straightforward family of numerical integration techniques. To integrate a function f(x) over some interval [a,b], ...
A pair of prime numbers (p,q) such that p^(q-1)=1 (mod q^2) and q^(p-1)=1 (mod p^2). The only known examples are (2, 1093), (3, 1006003), (5 , 1645333507), (83, 4871), (911, ...
A Thâbit ibn Kurrah prime, sometimes called a 321-prime, is a Thâbit ibn Kurrah number (i.e., a number of the form 3·2^n-1 for nonnegative integer n) that is prime. The ...
Willans' formula is a prime-generating formula due to Willan (1964) that is defined as follows. Let F(j) = |_cos^2[pi((j-1)!+1)/j]_| (1) = {1 for j=1 or j prime; 0 otherwise ...
Riemann defined the function f(x) by f(x) = sum_(p^(nu)<=x; p prime)1/nu (1) = sum_(n=1)^(|_lgx_|)(pi(x^(1/n)))/n (2) = pi(x)+1/2pi(x^(1/2))+1/3pi(x^(1/3))+... (3) (Hardy ...
Lehmer's formula is a formula for the prime counting function, pi(x) = (1) where |_x_| is the floor function, a = pi(x^(1/4)) (2) b = pi(x^(1/2)) (3) b_i = pi(sqrt(x/p_i)) ...
Landau (1911) proved that for any fixed x>1, sum_(0<|I[rho]|<=T)x^rho=-T/(2pi)Lambda(x)+O(lnT) as T->infty, where the sum runs over the nontrivial Riemann zeta function zeros ...
A prime factorization algorithm also known as Pollard Monte Carlo factorization method. There are two aspects to the Pollard rho factorization method. The first is the idea ...
A number n such that the "LED representation" of n (i.e., the arrangement of horizonal and vertical lines seen on a digital clock or pocket calculator), n upside down, n in a ...
Let omega be the cube root of unity (-1+isqrt(3))/2. Then the Eisenstein primes are Eisenstein integers, i.e., numbers of the form a+bomega for a and b integers, such that ...