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581 - 590 of 1981 for Power SumSearch Results
The Andrews-Schur identity states sum_(k=0)^nq^(k^2+ak)[2n-k+a; k]_q =sum_(k=-infty)^inftyq^(10k^2+(4a-1)k)[2n+2a+2; n-5k]_q([10k+2a+2]_q)/([2n+2a+2]_q) (1) where [n; m]_q is ...
The Christmas stocking theorem, also known as the hockey stick theorem, states that the sum of a diagonal string of numbers in Pascal's triangle starting at the nth entry ...
A sequence of numbers V={nu_n} is complete if every positive integer n is the sum of some subsequence of V, i.e., there exist a_i=0 or 1 such that n=sum_(i=1)^inftya_inu_i ...
The discrete uniform distribution is also known as the "equally likely outcomes" distribution. Letting a set S have N elements, each of them having the same probability, then ...
Let T_n(x) be an arbitrary trigonometric polynomial T_n(x)=1/2a_0+{sum_(k=1)^n[a_kcos(kx)+b_ksin(kx)]} (1) with real coefficients, let f be a function that is integrable over ...
The Feller-Tornier constant is the density of integers that have an even number of prime factors p_i^(a_i) with a_1>1 in their prime factorization. It is given by ...
The Frobenius norm, sometimes also called the Euclidean norm (a term unfortunately also used for the vector L^2-norm), is matrix norm of an m×n matrix A defined as the square ...
Let H be a Hilbert space and (e_i)_(i in I) is an orthonormal basis for H. The set S(H) of all operators T for which sum_(i in I)||Te_i||^2<infty is a self-adjoint ideal of ...
The "complete" gamma function Gamma(a) can be generalized to the incomplete gamma function Gamma(a,x) such that Gamma(a)=Gamma(a,0). This "upper" incomplete gamma function is ...
An algorithm for partitioning (or clustering) N data points into K disjoint subsets S_j containing N_j data points so as to minimize the sum-of-squares criterion ...
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