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141 - 150 of 1981 for Power SumSearch Results
A subset is a portion of a set. B is a subset of A (written B subset= A) iff every member of B is a member of A. If B is a proper subset of A (i.e., a subset other than the ...
An almost unit is a nonunit in the integral domain of formal power series with a nonzero first coefficient, P=a_1x+a_2x^2+..., where a_1!=0. Under the operation of ...
Given a power spectrum (a plot of power vs. frequency), aliasing is a false translation of power falling in some frequency range (-f_c,f_c) outside the range. Aliasing is ...
When p is a prime number, then a p-group is a group, all of whose elements have order some power of p. For a finite group, the equivalent definition is that the number of ...
A finite field is a field with a finite field order (i.e., number of elements), also called a Galois field. The order of a finite field is always a prime or a power of a ...
If P is any point on a line TT^' whose orthopole is S, then the circle power of S with respect to the pedal circle of P is a constant (Gallatly 1913, p. 51).
A power series containing fractional exponents (Davenport et al. 1993, p. 91) and logarithms, where the logarithms may be multiply nested, e.g., lnlnx.
A related rates problem is the determination of the rate at which a function defined in terms of other functions changes. Related rates problems can be solved by computing ...
The nth root of the content of the set sum of two sets in n-dimensional Euclidean space is greater than or equal to the sum of the nth roots of the contents of the individual ...
The falling factorial (x)_n, sometimes also denoted x^(n__) (Graham et al. 1994, p. 48), is defined by (x)_n=x(x-1)...(x-(n-1)) (1) for n>=0. Is also known as the binomial ...
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