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511 - 520 of 707 for Polar coordinatesSearch Results

On the surface of a sphere, attempt separation of variables in spherical coordinates by writing F(theta,phi)=Theta(theta)Phi(phi), (1) then the Helmholtz differential ...
The hyperbolic cylinder is a quadratic surface given by the equation (x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=-1. (1) It is a ruled surface. It can be given parametrically by x = asinhu (2) y ...
A conic section that is tangent to all sides of a triangle is called an inconic. Any trilinear equation of the form ...
A function f(x) increases on an interval I if f(b)>=f(a) for all b>a, where a,b in I. If f(b)>f(a) for all b>a, the function is said to be strictly increasing. Conversely, a ...
A differential ideal is an ideal I in the ring of smooth forms on a manifold M. That is, it is closed under addition, scalar multiplication, and wedge product with an ...
Let P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w be points in trilinear coordinates, neither of which is on a side line of a reference triangle DeltaABC. Them the P-isoconjugate of U is the point ...
An isocubic is a triangle cubic that is invariant under an isoconjugation. Self-isogonal and self-isotomic cubics are examples of isocubics.
An authalic latitude which is directly proportional to the spacing of parallels of latitude from the equator on an ellipsoidal Mercator projection. It is defined by ...
The simplest interpretation of the Kronecker delta is as the discrete version of the delta function defined by delta_(ij)={0 for i!=j; 1 for i=j. (1) The Kronecker delta is ...
For every positive integer n, there exists a sphere which has exactly n lattice points on its surface. The sphere is given by the equation ...
