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341 - 350 of 707 for Polar coordinatesSearch Results

A set of quadratic surfaces which share foci. Ellipsoids and one- and two-sheeted hyperboloids can be confocal. These three types of surfaces can be combined to form an ...
The operator partial^_ is defined on a complex manifold, and is called the 'del bar operator.' The exterior derivative d takes a function and yields a one-form. It decomposes ...
A dyadic, also known as a vector direct product, is a linear polynomial of dyads AB+CD+... consisting of nine components A_(ij) which transform as (A_(ij))^' = ...
The equation of a line ax+by+c=0 in slope-intercept form is given by y=-a/bx-c/b, (1) so the line has slope -a/b. Now consider the distance from a point (x_0,y_0) to the ...
Let P and U be points, neither of which lies on a sideline of DeltaABC, given in barycentric coordinates by P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w. The P-reciprocal conjugate of U is then the ...
Take the Helmholtz differential equation del ^2F+k^2F=0 (1) in spherical coordinates. This is just Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates with an additional term, (2) ...
A tetraview is a visualization technique for bivariate complex functions. In the simplest case, the graph of a complex-valued function w=w(z) can be considered as a ...
The third Brocard point has triangle center function alpha=a^(-3) and is Kimberling center X_(76) (Kimberling 1998, p. 78). The point may have received its name since its ...
Toroidal functions are a class of functions also called ring functions that appear in systems having toroidal symmetry. Toroidal functions can be expressed in terms of the ...
A vector Laplacian can be defined for a vector A by del ^2A=del (del ·A)-del x(del xA), (1) where the notation ✡ is sometimes used to distinguish the vector Laplacian from ...
