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171 - 180 of 707 for Polar coordinatesSearch Results

The limaçon is a polar curve of the form r=b+acostheta (1) also called the limaçon of Pascal. It was first investigated by Dürer, who gave a method for drawing it in ...
Given a spheroid with equatorial radius a and polar radius c, the ellipticity is defined by e={sqrt((a^2-c^2)/(a^2)) c<a (oblate spheroid); sqrt((c^2-a^2)/(c^2)) c>a (prolate ...
The pedal curve for an n-cusped hypocycloid x = a((n-1)cost+cos[(n-1)t])/n (1) y = a((n-1)sint-sin[(n-1)t])/n (2) with pedal point at the origin is the curve x_p = ...
The Leonine triangle DeltaX_AX_BX_C (a term coined here for the first time), is the Cevian triangle of Kimberling center X_(598). It is the polar triangle of the Lemoine ...
The MacBeath triangle DeltaX_AX_BX_C (a term coined here for the first time), is the triangle whose vertices are the contact points of the MacBeath inconic with the reference ...
In functional analysis, the Banach-Alaoglu theorem (also sometimes called Alaoglu's theorem) is a result which states that the norm unit ball of the continuous dual X^* of a ...
The logarithmic spiral is a spiral whose polar equation is given by r=ae^(btheta), (1) where r is the distance from the origin, theta is the angle from the x-axis, and a and ...
Given a Taylor series f(z)=sum_(n=0)^inftyC_nz^n=sum_(n=0)^inftyC_nr^ne^(intheta), (1) where the complex number z has been written in the polar form z=re^(itheta), examine ...
The extouch triangle DeltaT_1T_2T_3 is the triangle formed by the points of tangency of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 with its excircles J_1, J_2, and J_3. The points T_1, T_2, ...
The logarithmic capacity of a compact set E in the complex plane is given by gamma(E)=e^(-V(E)), (1) where V(E)=inf_(nu)int_(E×E)ln1/(|u-v|)dnu(u)dnu(v), (2) and nu runs over ...
