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The devil's curve was studied by G. Cramer in 1750 and Lacroix in 1810 (MacTutor Archive). It appeared in Nouvelles Annales in 1858. The Cartesian equation is ...
Fermat's spiral, also known as the parabolic spiral, is an Archimedean spiral with m=2 having polar equation r^2=a^2theta. (1) This curve was discussed by Fermat in 1636 ...
An Archimedean spiral with polar equation r=a/theta. (1) The hyperbolic spiral, also called the inverse spiral (Whittaker 1944, p. 83), originated with Pierre Varignon in ...
Kepler's folium is a folium curve explored by Kepler in 1609 (Lawrence 1972, p. 151; Gray et al. 2006, p. 85). When used without qualification, the term "folium" sometimes ...
The Tschirnhausen cubic is a plane curve given by the polar equation r=asec^3(1/3theta). (1) Letting theta=3tan^(-1)t gives the parametric equations x = a(1-3t^2) (2) y = ...
The point at which the three lines connecting the vertices of two perspective triangles concur, sometimes also called the perspective center, homology center, or pole. In the ...
By the duality principle, for every polyhedron, there exists another polyhedron in which faces and polyhedron vertices occupy complementary locations. This polyhedron is ...
A rose curve, also called Grandi's rose or the multifolium, is a curve which has the shape of a petalled flower. This curve was named rhodonea by the Italian mathematician ...
A measure which takes values in the complex numbers. The set of complex measures on a measure space X forms a vector space. Note that this is not the case for the more common ...
The trilinear pole of the orthotransversal of a point P is called its orthocorrespondent. The orthocorrespondent of a point P=p:q:r is given by where S_A, S_B, and S_C is ...
