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7531 - 7540 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
A curve also known as swan-like curve or streamline. It is given by the polar equation r=atheta+b, where a>0.
A composition of a function f degreesf with itself gives a nested function f(f(x)), f degreesf degreesf which gives f(f(f(x)), etc. Function nesting is implemented in the ...
If m is an integer, then for every residue class r (mod m), there are infinitely many nonnegative integers n for which P(n)=r (mod m), where P(n) is the partition function P.
If there exists a critical region C of size alpha and a nonnegative constant k such that (product_(i=1)^(n)f(x_i|theta_1))/(product_(i=1)^(n)f(x_i|theta_0))>=k for points in ...
The geometry of the Lie group consisting of real matrices of the form [1 x y; 0 1 z; 0 0 1], i.e., the Heisenberg group.
An extremely powerful theorem in physics which states that each symmetry of a system leads to a physically conserved quantity. Symmetry under translation corresponds to ...
Any irreducible curve may be carried by a factorable Cremona transformation into one with none but ordinary singular points.
An algebra which does not satisfy a(bc)=(ab)c is called a nonassociative algebra.
A generalization of Student's t-distribution known as the noncentral Student's t-distribution is given by (1) where Gamma(z) is the gamma function and _1F_1(a;b;z) is a ...
A ruled surface parameterization x(u,v)=b(u)+vg(u) is called noncylindrical if gxg^' is nowhere 0. A noncylindrical ruled surface always has a parameterization of the form ...
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