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In 1850, Bravais demonstrated that crystals were comprised of 14 different types of unit cells: simple cubic, body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic; simple tetragonal, ...
The midpoint of the first and second Brocard points Omega and Omega^'. It has equivalent triangle center functions alpha = a(b^2+c^2) (1) alpha = sin(A+omega), (2) where ...
Let X and Y be CW-complexes, and let f:X->Y be a continuous map. Then the cellular approximation theorem states that any such f is homotopic to a cellular map. In fact, if ...
The term "closure" has various meanings in mathematics. The topological closure of a subset A of a topological space X is the smallest closed subset of X containing A. If R ...
An epsilon-delta definition is a mathematical definition in which a statement on a real function of one variable f having, for example, the form "for all neighborhoods U of ...
A subset F subset R of the real numbers is said to be an F_sigma set provided F is the countable union of closed sets. The name F_sigma comes from French: The F stands for ...
French curves are plastic (or wooden) templates having an edge composed of several different curves. French curves are used in drafting (or were before computer-aided design) ...
A subset G subset R of the real numbers is said to be a G_delta set provided G is the countable intersection of open sets. The name G_delta comes from German: The G stands ...
Two topological spaces X and Y are homotopy equivalent if there exist continuous maps f:X->Y and g:Y->X, such that the composition f degreesg is homotopic to the identity ...
Let f be a function defined on a set A and taking values in a set B. Then f is said to be an injection (or injective map, or embedding) if, whenever f(x)=f(y), it must be the ...
