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5371 - 5380 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

An (m+1)-dimensional subspace W of an (n+1)-dimensional vector space V can be specified by an (m+1)×(n+1) matrix whose rows are the coordinates of a basis of W. The set of ...
There exist lattices in n dimensions having hypersphere packing densities satisfying eta>=(zeta(n))/(2^(n-1)), where zeta(n) is the Riemann zeta function. However, the proof ...
A function is said to be piecewise constant if it is locally constant in connected regions separated by a possibly infinite number of lower-dimensional boundaries. The ...
Consider an n-dimensional deterministic dynamical system x^_^.=f^_(x) and let S be an n-1-dimensional surface of section that is traverse to the flow, i.e., all trajectories ...
A polytope in four dimensions. Polychora are bounded by polyhedra.
A symbol of the form {p,q,r,...} used to describe regular polygons, polyhedra, and their higher-dimensional counterparts. The symbol {p} denotes a regular polygon for integer ...
For a braid with M strands, R components, P positive crossings, and N negative crossings, {P-N<=U_++M-R if P>=N; P-N<=U_-+M-R if P<=N, (1) where U_+/- are the smallest number ...
Tomography is the study of the reconstruction of two- and three-dimensional objects from one-dimensional slices. The Radon transform is an important tool in tomography. ...
Let alpha(z),gamma(z):(a,b)->R^3 be curves such that |gamma|=1 and alpha·gamma=0, and suppose that alpha and gamma have holomorphic extensions alpha,gamma:(a,b)×(c,d)->C^3 ...
Let a knot K be parameterized by a vector function v(t) with t in S^1, and let w be a fixed unit vector in R^3. Count the number of local minima of the projection function ...
