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4931 - 4940 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric ...
The binomial coefficient (n; k) is the number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n possibilities, also known as a combination or combinatorial number. The symbols ...
The circuit rank gamma, also denoted mu (Volkmann 1996, Babić et al. 2002) or beta (White 2001, p. 56) and known as the cycle rank (e.g., White 2001, p. 56), (first) graph ...
There are several definitions of the strength of a graph. Harary and Palmer (1959) and Harary and Palmer (1973, p. 66) define the strength of a tree as the maximum number of ...
For a connected bipartite graph G, the halved graph G^+ and G^- are the two connected components of the distance 2-graph of G. The following table summarizes some named ...
Surface area is the area of a given surface. Roughly speaking, it is the "amount" of a surface (i.e., it is proportional to the amount of paint needed to cover it), and has ...
There are at least two distinct notions of linear space throughout mathematics. The term linear space is most commonly used within functional analysis as a synonym of the ...
The dihedral group D_4 is one of the two non-Abelian groups of the five groups total of group order 8. It is sometimes called the octic group. An example of D_4 is the ...
A coordinate system (mu,nu,psi) given by the coordinate transformation x = (mucospsi)/(mu^2+nu^2) (1) y = (musinpsi)/(mu^2+nu^2) (2) z = nu/(mu^2+nu^2) (3) and defined for ...
The Jacobi triple product is the beautiful identity product_(n=1)^infty(1-x^(2n))(1+x^(2n-1)z^2)(1+(x^(2n-1))/(z^2))=sum_(m=-infty)^inftyx^(m^2)z^(2m). (1) In terms of the ...
