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4561 - 4570 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

A geometry in which Archimedes' axiom does not hold.
The maximal number of regions into which n lines divide a plane are N(n)=1/2(n^2+n+2) which, for n=1, 2, ... gives 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, ... (OEIS A000124), the same maximal ...
The circumradius of a cyclic polygon is a radius of the circle inside which the polygon can be inscribed. Similarly, the circumradius of a polyhedron is the radius of a ...
Curves which, when rotated in a square, make contact with all four sides. Such curves are sometimes also known as rollers. The "width" of a closed convex curve is defined as ...
A cylindrical segment, sometimes also called a truncated cylinder, is the solid cut from a circular cylinder by two (or more) planes. If there are two cutting planes, one ...
The Fibonacci cube graph of order n is a graph on F_(n+2) vertices, where F_n is a Fibonacci number, labeled by the Zeckendorf representations of the numbers 0 to F_(n+2)-1 ...
The Zernike polynomials are a set of orthogonal polynomials that arise in the expansion of a wavefront function for optical systems with circular pupils. The odd and even ...
The problem of finding the curve down which a bead placed anywhere will fall to the bottom in the same amount of time. The solution is a cycloid, a fact first discovered and ...
A function is a relation that uniquely associates members of one set with members of another set. More formally, a function from A to B is an object f such that every a in A ...
Tutte's (46-vertex) graph is a cubic nonhamiltonian graph contructed by Tutte (1946) as a counterexample to Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture by using three copies ...
