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4451 - 4460 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

The second singular value k_2, corresponding to K^'(k_2)=sqrt(2)K(k_2), (1) is given by k_2 = tan(pi/8) (2) = sqrt(2)-1 (3) k_2^' = sqrt(2)(sqrt(2)-1). (4) For this modulus, ...
Given a spheroid with equatorial radius a and polar radius c, the ellipticity is defined by e={sqrt((a^2-c^2)/(a^2)) c<a (oblate spheroid); sqrt((c^2-a^2)/(c^2)) c>a (prolate ...
A 1-cusped epicycloid has b=a, so n=1. The radius measured from the center of the large circle for a 1-cusped epicycloid is given by epicycloid equation (◇) with n=1 so r^2 = ...
A function which arises in the fractional integral of e^(at), given by E_t(nu,a) = (e^(at))/(Gamma(nu))int_0^tx^(nu-1)e^(-ax)dx (1) = (a^(-nu)e^(at)gamma(nu,at))/(Gamma(nu)), ...
A factorization algorithm which works by expressing N as a quadratic form in two different ways. Then N=a^2+b^2=c^2+d^2, (1) so a^2-c^2=d^2-b^2 (2) (a-c)(a+c)=(d-b)(d+b). (3) ...
Let f(theta) be Lebesgue integrable and let f(r,theta)=1/(2pi)int_(-pi)^pif(t)(1-r^2)/(1-2rcos(t-theta)+r^2)dt (1) be the corresponding Poisson integral. Then almost ...
In a 1631 edition of Academiae Algebrae, J. Faulhaber published the general formula for the power sum of the first n positive integers, sum_(k=1)^(n)k^p = H_(n,-p) (1) = ...
If f(x) is an even function, then b_n=0 and the Fourier series collapses to f(x)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^inftya_ncos(nx), (1) where a_0 = 1/piint_(-pi)^pif(x)dx (2) = ...
Consider a square wave f(x) of length 2L. Over the range [0,2L], this can be written as f(x)=2[H(x/L)-H(x/L-1)]-1, (1) where H(x) is the Heaviside step function. Since ...
The Fourier transform of e^(-k_0|x|) is given by F_x[e^(-k_0|x|)](k)=int_(-infty)^inftye^(-k_0|x|)e^(-2piikx)dx = ...
