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4001 - 4010 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

The Leonard graph is a distance-regular graph on 288 vertices (Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 369) with intersection array {12,11,10,7;1,2,5,12}. It is however not ...
The stacked book graph of order (m,n) is defined as the graph Cartesian product S_(m+1) square P_n, where S_m is a star graph and P_n is the path graph on n nodes. It is ...
The greatest common divisor, sometimes also called the highest common divisor (Hardy and Wright 1979, p. 20), of two positive integers a and b is the largest divisor common ...
The divided difference f[x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n], sometimes also denoted [x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n] (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), on n+1 points x_0, x_1, ..., x_n of a function f(x) ...
The following are equivalent definitions for a Galois extension field (also simply known as a Galois extension) K of F. 1. K is the splitting field for a collection of ...
A transformation of the form w=f(z)=(az+b)/(cz+d), (1) where a, b, c, d in C and ad-bc!=0, (2) is a conformal mapping called a linear fractional transformation. The ...
The hyperbolic polar sine is a function of an n-dimensional simplex in hyperbolic space. It is analogous to the polar sine of an n-dimensional simplex in elliptic or ...
The Dirac matrices are a class of 4×4 matrices which arise in quantum electrodynamics. There are a variety of different symbols used, and Dirac matrices are also known as ...
The crossed trough is the surface z=x^2y^2. (1) The coefficients of its first fundamental form are E = 1+4x^2y^4 (2) F = 4x^3y^3 (3) G = 1+4x^4y^2 (4) and of the second ...
The polyhedron compound of the truncated dodecahedron and its dual, the triakis icosahedron. The compound can be constructed from a truncated dodecahedron of unit edge length ...
