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A system of linear differential equations (dy)/(dz)=A(z)y, (1) with A(z) an analytic n×n matrix, for which the matrix A(z) is analytic in C^_\{a_1,...,a_N} and has a pole of ...
The G-transform of a function f(x) is defined by the integral (Gf)(x)=(G_(pq)^(mn)|(a_p); (b_q)|f(t))(x) (1) =1/(2pii)int_sigmaGamma[(b_m)+s, 1-(a_n)-s; (a_p^(n+1))+s, ...
A symmetric block design (4n+3, 2n+1, n) which is equivalent to a Hadamard matrix of order 4n+4. It is conjectured that Hadamard designs exist for all integers n>0, but this ...
The half-altitude circle is the circumcircle of the half-altitude triangle. The circle function is given by l=(f(a,b,c))/(128a^2b^3c^3cosAcosBcosC), (1) where (2) which is ...
Any vector field v satisfying [del ·v]_infty = 0 (1) [del xv]_infty = 0 (2) may be written as the sum of an irrotational part and a solenoidal part, v=-del phi+del xA, (3) ...
The hemisphere function is defined as H(x,y)={sqrt(a-x^2-y^2) for sqrt(x^2+y^2)<=a; 0 for sqrt(x^2+y^2)>a. (1) Watson (1966) defines a hemispherical function as a function S ...
Let S be a set of n+1 symbols, then a Howell design H(s,2n) on symbol set S is an s×s array H such that 1. Every cell of H is either empty or contains an unordered pair of ...
For x(0)=a, x = a/(a-2b)[(a-b)cosphi-bcos((a-b)/bphi)] (1) y = a/(a-2b)[(a-b)sinphi+bsin((a-b)/bphi)]. (2) If a/b=n, then x = 1/(n-2)[(n-1)cosphi-cos[(n-1)phi]a (3) y = ...
A number of attractive 2-compounds of the regular icosahedron can be constructed. The compounds illustrated above will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram ...
A number of attractive 5-compounds of the regular icosahedron can be constructed. The compounds illustrated above will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram ...
