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Let a triangle have side lengths a, b, and c with opposite angles A, B, and C. Then (b+c)/a = (cos[1/2(B-C)])/(sin(1/2A)) (1) (c+a)/b = (cos[1/2(C-A)])/(sin(1/2B)) (2) ...
An analytic function f on the unit disk is called schlicht if 1. f is one-to-one, 2. f(0)=0, and 3. f^'(0)=1, in which case it is written f in S. Schlicht functions have ...
There are at least two statements known as Schur's lemma. 1. The endomorphism ring of an irreducible module is a division algebra. 2. Let V, W be irreducible (linear) ...
Let the residue from Pépin's theorem be R_n=3^((F_n-1)/2) (mod F_n), where F_n is a Fermat number. Selfridge and Hurwitz use R_n (mod 2^(35)-1,2^(36),2^(36)-1). A ...
When a prime l divides the elliptic discriminant of a elliptic curve E, two or all three roots of E become congruent (mod l). An elliptic curve is semistable if, for all such ...
By the definition of the trigonometric functions, cos0 = 1 (1) cot0 = infty (2) csc0 = infty (3) sec0 = 1 (4) sin0 = 0 (5) tan0 = 0. (6)
A t-(v,k,lambda) block design (abbreviated t-design) is an incidence structure of points and blocks such that the following hold: 1. There are v points, 2. Each block ...
An attractor is a set of states (points in the phase space), invariant under the dynamics, towards which neighboring states in a given basin of attraction asymptotically ...
The Barth decic is a decic surface in complex three-dimensional projective space having the maximum possible number of ordinary double points, namely 345. It is given by the ...
The nth root of the content of the set sum of two sets in n-dimensional Euclidean space is greater than or equal to the sum of the nth roots of the contents of the individual ...
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