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2461 - 2470 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

Watson (1939) considered the following three triple integrals, I_1 = 1/(pi^3)int_0^piint_0^piint_0^pi(dudvdw)/(1-cosucosvcosw) (1) = (4[K(1/2sqrt(2))]^2)/(pi^2) (2) = ...
An incircle is an inscribed circle of a polygon, i.e., a circle that is tangent to each of the polygon's sides. The center I of the incircle is called the incenter, and the ...
The conjecture that, for any triangle, 8omega^3<ABC (1) where A, B, and C are the vertex angles of the triangle and omega is the Brocard angle. The Abi-Khuzam inequality ...
If M^3 is a closed oriented connected 3-manifold such that every simple closed curve in M lies interior to a ball in M, then M is homeomorphic with the hypersphere, S^3.
A square root of x is a number r such that r^2=x. When written in the form x^(1/2) or especially sqrt(x), the square root of x may also be called the radical or surd. The ...
There are six Painlevé transcendents, corresponding to second-order ordinary differential equations whose only movable singularities are ordinary poles and which cannot be ...
Consider the recurrence relation x_n=(1+x_0^2+x_1^2+...+x_(n-1)^2)/n, (1) with x_0=1. The first few iterates of x_n are 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 28, 154, ... (OEIS A003504). The terms ...
The harmonic mean H(x_1,...,x_n) of n numbers x_i (where i=1, ..., n) is the number H defined by 1/H=1/nsum_(i=1)^n1/(x_i). (1) The harmonic mean of a list of numbers may be ...
The number of different triangles which have integer side lengths and perimeter n is T(n) = P(n,3)-sum_(1<=j<=|_n/2_|)P(j,2) (1) = [(n^2)/(12)]-|_n/4_||_(n+2)/4_| (2) = ...
The square-triangle theorem states that any nonnegative integer can be represented as the sum of a square, an even square, and a triangular number (Sun 2005), i.e., ...
