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A cubic curve is an algebraic curve of curve order 3. An algebraic curve over a field K is an equation f(X,Y)=0, where f(X,Y) is a polynomial in X and Y with coefficients in ...
The M_(22) graph, also known as the 77-graph, is a strongly regular graph on 77 nodes related to the Mathieu group M_(22) and to the Witt design. It is illustrated above in ...
The definition of an Anosov map is the same as for an Anosov diffeomorphism except that instead of being a diffeomorphism, it is a map. In particular, an Anosov map is a C^1 ...
The abundancy of a number n is defined as the ratio sigma(n)/n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few values are 1, 3/2, 4/3, 7/4, 6/5, 2, ...
An acyclic graph is a graph having no graph cycles. Acyclic graphs are bipartite. A connected acyclic graph is known as a tree, and a possibly disconnected acyclic graph is ...
Consider the process of taking a number, adding its digits, then adding the digits of the number derived from it, etc., until the remaining number has only one digit. The ...
The Borwein integrals are the class of definite integrals defined by I_n=1/piint_0^inftyx^(-(n+1)/2)product_(k=1,3,...)^nsin(x/k)dx for odd n. The integrals are curious ...
A number n is called an Egyptian number if it is the sum of the denominators in some unit fraction representation of a positive whole number not consisting entirely of 1s. ...
The Flint Hills series is the series S_1=sum_(n=1)^infty(csc^2n)/(n^3) (Pickover 2002, p. 59). It is not known if this series converges, since csc^2n can have sporadic large ...
A harmonic series is a continued fraction-like series [n;a,b,c,...] defined by x=n+1/2(a+1/3(b+1/4(c+...))) (Havil 2003, p. 99). Examples are given in the following table. c ...
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