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The Bernoulli distribution is a discrete distribution having two possible outcomes labelled by n=0 and n=1 in which n=1 ("success") occurs with probability p and n=0 ...
Let F be the set of complex analytic functions f defined on an open region containing the set closure of the unit disk D={z:|z|<1} satisfying f(0)=0 and df/dz(0)=1. For each ...
A box-and-whisker plot (sometimes called simply a box plot) is a histogram-like method of displaying data, invented by J. Tukey. To create a box-and-whisker plot, draw a box ...
Let f:M|->N be a map between two compact, connected, oriented n-dimensional manifolds without boundary. Then f induces a homomorphism f_* from the homology groups H_n(M) to ...
Cards are a set of n rectangular pieces of cardboard with markings on one side and a uniform pattern on the other. The collection of all cards is called a "deck," and a ...
There are two definitions of the Carmichael function. One is the reduced totient function (also called the least universal exponent function), defined as the smallest integer ...
Let f(x,y)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y), (1) where z=x+iy, (2) so dz=dx+idy. (3) The total derivative of f with respect to z is then (df)/(dz) = ...
A moment mu_n of a univariate probability density function P(x) taken about the mean mu=mu_1^', mu_n = <(x-<x>)^n> (1) = int(x-mu)^nP(x)dx, (2) where <X> denotes the ...
Chebyshev noticed that the remainder upon dividing the primes by 4 gives 3 more often than 1, as plotted above in the left figure. Similarly, dividing the primes by 3 gives 2 ...
(1-x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)-x(dy)/(dx)+alpha^2y=0 (1) for |x|<1. The Chebyshev differential equation has regular singular points at -1, 1, and infty. It can be solved by series ...
