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Consider the Lagrange interpolating polynomial f(x)=b_0+(x-1)(b_1+(x-2)(b_3+(x-3)+...)) (1) through the points (n,p_n), where p_n is the nth prime. For the first few points, ...
Consider the local behavior of a map f:R^m->R^n by choosing a point x in R^m and an open neighborhood U subset R^m such that x in U. Now consider the set of all mappings ...
Nonhomogeneous matrix equations of the form Ax=b (1) can be solved by taking the matrix inverse to obtain x=A^(-1)b. (2) This equation will have a nontrivial solution iff the ...
Maximum likelihood, also called the maximum likelihood method, is the procedure of finding the value of one or more parameters for a given statistic which makes the known ...
Let U subset= C be a domain, and let f be an analytic function on U. Then if there is a point z_0 in U such that |f(z_0)|>=|f(z)| for all z in U, then f is constant. The ...
The McCarthy-91 function is the recursive function defined for positive integer n by M(n)={M(M(n+11)) for n<=100; n-10 for n>100. (1) It takes the value 91 for all n=1, 2, ...
A variable x is memoryless with respect to t if, for all s with t!=0, P(x>s+t|x>t)=P(x>s). (1) Equivalently, (P(x>s+t,x>t))/(P(x>t)) = P(x>s) (2) P(x>s+t) = P(x>s)P(x>t). (3) ...
Mergelyan's theorem can be stated as follows (Krantz 1999). Let K subset= C be compact and suppose C^*\K has only finitely many connected components. If f in C(K) is ...
The fundamental theorem of game theory which states that every finite, zero-sum, two-person game has optimal mixed strategies. It was proved by John von Neumann in 1928. ...
There are four fixed points (mod 1) of Minkowski's question mark function ?(x), namely x=0, 1/2, f and 1-f, where f<1/2 is a constant known as the Minkowski-Bower constant ...
