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A statement which is rigorously not true. Regular two-valued logic allows statements to be only true or false, but fuzzy logic treats "truth" as a continuum which can have a ...
Values one step outside the hinges are called inner fences, and values two steps outside the hinges are called outer fences. Tukey calls values outside the outer fences far ...
A robust nonparametric test which is an alternative to the paired t-test. This test makes the basic assumption that there is information only in the signs of the differences ...
The Fourier transform of the generalized function 1/x is given by F_x(-PV1/(pix))(k) = -1/piPVint_(-infty)^infty(e^(-2piikx))/xdx (1) = ...
Two closed simply connected 4-manifolds are homeomorphic iff they have the same bilinear form beta and the same Kirby-Siebenmann invariant kappa. Any beta can be realized by ...
The Frobenius equation is the Diophantine equation a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=b, where the a_i are positive integers, b is an integer, and the solutions x_i are nonnegative ...
By analogy with the geometric centroid, the centroid of an arbitrary function f(x) is defined as <x>=(intxf(x)dx)/(intf(x)dx), (1) where the integrals are taken over the ...
The convex hull of two or more functions is the largest function that is concave from above and does not exceed the given functions.
A functional differential equation is a differential equation in which the derivative y^'(t) of an unknown function y has a value at t that is related to y as a function of ...
The statistical index P_G=[product((p_n)/(p_0))^(v_0)]^(1/Sigmav_0), where p_n is the price per unit in period n, q_n is the quantity produced in period n, and v_n=p_nq_n the ...
