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An equation or formula involving transcendental functions.
Capable of taking on exactly one possible value.
A function of a single variable (e.g., f(x), g(z), theta(xi), etc.).
"Analysis of Variance." A statistical test for heterogeneity of means by analysis of group variances. ANOVA is implemented as ANOVA[data] in the Wolfram Language package ...
The word argument is used in several differing contexts in mathematics. The most common usage refers to the argument of a function, but is also commonly used to refer to the ...
Let alpha(z),gamma(z):(a,b)->R^3 be curves such that |gamma|=1 and alpha·gamma=0, and suppose that alpha and gamma have holomorphic extensions alpha,gamma:(a,b)×(c,d)->C^3 ...
The third-order ordinary differential equation 2y^(''')+yy^('')=0. This equation arises in the theory of fluid boundary layers, and must be solved numerically (Rosenhead ...
The second part of Pollard rho factorization method concerns detection of the fact that a sequence has become periodic. Pollard's original suggestion was to use the idea ...
The modulus of a complex number z, also called the complex norm, is denoted |z| and defined by |x+iy|=sqrt(x^2+y^2). (1) If z is expressed as a complex exponential (i.e., a ...
A confidence interval is an interval in which a measurement or trial falls corresponding to a given probability. Usually, the confidence interval of interest is symmetrically ...
