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The graph complement of a graph hole. Graph antiholes are called even if they have an even number of vertices and odd if they have an odd number of vertices (Chvátal). No odd ...
Fermat's sandwich theorem states that 26 is the only number sandwiched between a perfect square number (5^2=25) and a perfect cubic number (3^3=27). According to Singh ...
A Meyniel graph, also called a very strongly perfect graph, is a graph in which every odd cycle of length five or more has at least two chords. Meyniel graphs are perfect. ...
Let s(n)=sigma(n)-n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the restricted divisor function. Then the sequence of numbers s^0(n)=n,s^1(n)=s(n),s^2(n)=s(s(n)),... ...
Arrow's paradox, also called Arrow's impossibility theorem or the general possibility theorem, states that perfect democratic voting is impossible, not just in practice but ...
The conjecture proposed by Catalan in 1888 and extended by E. Dickson that each aliquot sequence ends in a prime, a perfect number, or a set of sociable numbers. The ...
An Achilles number is a positive integer that is powerful (in the sense that each prime factor occurs with exponent greater than one) but imperfect (in the sense that the ...
Numbers which are not perfect and for which s(N)=sigma(N)-N<N, or equivalently sigma(n)<2n, where sigma(N) is the divisor function. Deficient numbers are sometimes called ...
An imperfect graph G is a graph that is not perfect. Therefore, graphs G with omega(G)<chi(G) (1) where omega(G) is the clique number and chi(G) is the chromatic number are ...
For a given positive integer n, does there exist a weighted tree with n graph vertices whose paths have weights 1, 2, ..., (n; 2), where (n; 2) is a binomial coefficient? ...
