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In a rectangular room (a cuboid) with dimensions 30^'×12^'×12^', a spider is located in the middle of one 12^'×12^' wall one foot away from the ceiling. A fly is in the ...
The volume of a solid body is the amount of "space" it occupies. Volume has units of length cubed (i.e., cm^3, m^3, in^3, etc.) For example, the volume of a box (cuboid) of ...
Petersen's theorem states that every cubic graph with no bridges has a perfect matching (Petersen 1891; Frink 1926; König 1936; Skiena 1990, p. 244). In fact, this theorem ...
An odd chordless cycle is a chordless cycle of length >4. A graph is said to be perfect iff neither the graph G nor its graph complement G^_ has an odd chordless cycle. A ...
A k-factor of a graph is a k-regular subgraph of order n. k-factors are a generalization of complete matchings. A perfect matching is a 1-factor (Skiena 1990, p. 244).
Define the harmonic mean of the divisors of n H(n)=(sigma_0(n))/(sum_(d|n)1/d), where sigma_0(n) is the divisor function (the number of divisors of n). For n=1, 2, ..., the ...
A number n is k-multiperfect (also called a k-multiply perfect number or k-pluperfect number) if sigma(n)=kn for some integer k>2, where sigma(n) is the divisor function. The ...
Let s(n)=sigma(n)-n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the restricted divisor function, and define the aliquot sequence of n by ...
A tetramagic cube is a magic cube that remains magic when all its numbers are squared, cubed, and taken to the fourth power. Only two tetramagic cubes are known, and both ...
A matching, also called an independent edge set, on a graph G is a set of edges of G such that no two sets share a vertex in common. It is not possible for a matching on a ...
