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The pentagonal rotunda is a convex polyhedron consisting of half of an icosidodecahedron, with the base being filled in by a decagon. It has 10 triangular and five pentagonal ...
A pentagonal rotunda adjoined to a decagonal prism which is Johnson solid J_(21).
A polyhedron consisting of a n-gon, a parallel 2n-gon rotated a half-edge turn, and a band of paired triangles separated by pentagons. The only true member giving a ...
Johnson solid J_(25).
The pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(33). The unit pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda has volume V=5/(12)(11+5sqrt(5)) (1) and ...
The pentagonal orthocupolarotunda is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(32). The unit pentagonal orthocupolarotunda has volume V=1/3(5+4sqrt(5)) (1) and Dehn ...
A cupola adjoined to a rotunda.
The pentagonal antiprism is the antiprism having a regular pentagon for the top and bottom bases. It is also the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 77 (Maeder 1997) and ...
The pentagonal cupola is Johnson solid J_5. Its faces consist of 5 equilateral triangles, 5 squares, 1 pentagon, and one decagon. The surface area and volume of the ...
The gyroelongated pentagonal pyramid is Johnson solid J_(11) and can be obtained by cumulating the top of a pentagonal antiprism, or alternately by replacing one pentagonal ...
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