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A statement about theorems. It usually gives a criterion for getting a new theorem from an old one, either by changing its objects according to a rule (duality principle), or ...
If a number fails Miller's primality test for some base a, it is not a prime. If the number passes, it may be a prime. A composite number passing Miller's test is called a ...
An algebraic loop L is a Moufang loop if all triples of elements x, y, and z in L satisfy the Moufang identities, i.e., if 1. z(x(zy))=((zx)z)y, 2. x(z(yz))=((xz)y)z, 3. ...
NAND, also known as the Sheffer stroke, is a connective in logic equivalent to the composition NOT AND that yields true if any condition is false, and false if all conditions ...
NAND, also known as the Sheffer stroke, is a connective in logic equivalent to the composition NOT AND that yields true if any condition is false, and false if all conditions ...
Suppose that A and B are two normed (Banach) algebras. A vector space X is called an A-B-bimodule whenever it is simultaneously a normed (Banach) left A-module, a normed ...
In elementary geometry, orthogonal is the same as perpendicular. Two lines or curves are orthogonal if they are perpendicular at their point of intersection. Two vectors v ...
Consider the expression 3×7+2^2. This expression has value (3×7)+(2^2)=25 due to what is called operator precedence (or "order of operations"). Precedence of common operators ...
R(X_1,...X_n)=sum_(i=1)^nH(X_i)-H(X_1,...,X_n), where H(x_i) is the entropy and H(X_1,...,X_n) is the joint entropy. Linear redundancy is defined as ...
The word residue is used in a number of different contexts in mathematics. Two of the most common uses are the complex residue of a pole, and the remainder of a congruence. ...
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