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A system of curvilinear coordinates for which several different notations are commonly used. In this work (u,v,phi) is used, whereas Arfken (1970) uses (xi,eta,phi) and Moon ...
Fuglede (1974) conjectured that a domain Omega admits an operator spectrum iff it is possible to tile R^d by a family of translates of Omega. Fuglede proved the conjecture in ...
If a univariate real function f(x) has a single critical point and that point is a local maximum, then f(x) has its global maximum there (Wagon 1991, p. 87). The test breaks ...
The Christoffel symbols are tensor-like objects derived from a Riemannian metric g. They are used to study the geometry of the metric and appear, for example, in the geodesic ...
A geodesic on a paraboloid x = sqrt(u)cosv (1) y = sqrt(u)sinv (2) z = u (3) has differential parameters defined by P = ...
A tensor t is said to satisfy the double contraction relation when t_(ij)^m^_t_(ij)^n=delta_(mn). (1) This equation is satisfied by t^^^0 = (2z^^z^^-x^^x^^-y^^y^^)/(sqrt(6)) ...
A quantity is said to be exact if it has a precise and well-defined value. J. W. Tukey remarked in 1962, "Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is ...
The great sphere on the surface of a hypersphere is the three-dimensional analog of the great circle on the surface of a sphere. Let 2h be the number of reflecting spheres, ...
The Lie derivative of tensor T_(ab) with respect to the vector field X is defined by L_XT_(ab)=lim_(deltax->0)(T_(ab)^'(x^')-T_(ab)(x))/(deltax). (1) Explicitly, it is given ...
The second solution Q_l(x) to the Legendre differential equation. The Legendre functions of the second kind satisfy the same recurrence relation as the Legendre polynomials. ...
